Chris Champlin
Episode 75
"I’m passionate about kindness … it's such an easy thing. It's free. Being kind is freeing. It doesn't take anything from you … It's one of those things where even if you don't know somebody and you approach them as if they were your best friend, it's amazing how easy and native, it just starts to flow. Kindness."
Narrator: Welcome friends to another episode of The Story & Experience Podcast. Join your host, Japhet De Oliveira with his guest today and discover the moments that shape us, our families and communities.
Japhet De Oliveira: So welcome to another episode of The Story & Experience Podcast. I am here at Adventist Health and Rideout. We're very excited to be here. I'm very excited to be sitting opposite in the studio that this hospital has built, designed to be able to record. I see my guests are smiling. This is a good sign. It's going to be a great day. For anybody who's brand new to the podcast this is how it works. We have a hundred questions, it gets progressively more vulnerable and open. Our guest gets to pick between numbers 11 and 100 where we're going to go. First, 10 I ask and we discover great stories and experiences that shaped this guest into the leader that they are today. So without any hesitation, let's dive in. What's your name and does anybody ever mispronounce it?
Chris Champlin: Good morning, Japhet. Yes. My name is Chris Champlin and it gets mispronounced all the time. Kaplan, Champlain. It gets terrible.
Japhet De Oliveira: I think our first conversation, you corrected me as well.
Chris Champlin: Did I? I might have.
Japhet De Oliveira: I was like, "Epic fail on my half."
Chris Champlin: Charlie Chapman. It's like, where'd you get Charlie from Chris? But we'll go with it.
Japhet De Oliveira: Hey, that's great. Well, Chris, I'm glad that we got that sorted out. And for everybody else it's good as well. What do you do for work?
Chris Champlin: I'm the president of Adventist Health and Rideout.
Japhet De Oliveira: And how long?
Chris Champlin: Yesterday was my one-year anniversary.
Japhet De Oliveira: That's fantastic.
Chris Champlin: It's been fun. It's been a whirlwind.
Japhet De Oliveira: That's good. And so what did you do before you came here?
Chris Champlin: I spent the previous 20 years with Dignity Health, formerly Catholic Healthcare West as a Chief Strategy Officer. And then I spent five years before that with the company that is now Anthem Blue Cross. And then I spent 13 years before... I'm aging myself. My goodness.
Japhet De Oliveira: I'm trying to add it all up.
Chris Champlin: I spent 13 years before that in public health. So I worked for Riverside County, worked for San Joaquin County, worked for Indian Health Services, so public health, insurance, hospitals.
Japhet De Oliveira: All there. That's fantastic. Now it's really early here this morning. It's dark outside. Long journey to work?
Chris Champlin: Oh yeah. It was horrifying, but it was three minutes. Maybe five. Maybe five minutes.
Japhet De Oliveira: That's great. Wow. That's, that's fantastic. I'm glad you lived so local. That's pretty good. Let's go through a few of these In the morning. Once your drink, your choice of drink in the morning, is it like coffee, tea, a green liquid smoothie, water? What do you start the day off?
Chris Champlin: Water. I've got Invisalign braces. Have you been to SeaWorld and seen this Shamu show? There's like a splash zone, so fair warning. I've got these Invisalign now. Now there's like a splash zone. So I think you're far enough away and you'll be ok. The thing is, if you have these Invisalign and you drink coffee, they fill up with coffee and so you're walking around smiling with brown teeth there. So water. I'd like to say that it's for health reasons, but it’s purely aesthetics.
Japhet De Oliveira: That's really good. All right. Tell us about where you were born.
Chris Champlin: I was born in Stoneham, Massachusetts, right outside of Boston. My mother was a OR nurse at Stoneham. My father was an OR scrub. He used to clean the blood up out of the ORs and that's how they met. And so we were Bostonians for the first 20 years of my life. Came out here to go to school. But born and born and raised in Massachusetts.
Japhet De Oliveira: Fantastic. When you were a child out there, what did you imagine when grow up to be?
Chris Champlin: This is good. So I was going to be a ophthalmologist and cure colorblindness because I'm colorblind.
Japhet De Oliveira: Are you really?
Chris Champlin: Little did I know that it's neurological, so I would've been in completely the wrong profession. But when you're six, that sounds good. Yes. I'm colorblind.
Japhet De Oliveira: So how does it affect you?
Chris Champlin: Colorblindness?
Japhet De Oliveira: Yeah.
Chris Champlin: Well, I look like an idiot half the time. I'm fortunate that I have a wife who is not colorblind and dresses me every single day.
Japhet De Oliveira: I was going to say because you look fantastic, so.
Chris Champlin: Thank you. I appreciate it. Every morning I have to go and present like I'm a two-year-old, "Mommy, how do I look?" And actually, yesterday was quite fun. So yesterday was wear red and green where it's in the 12 days at Christmas. And so I presented with a sweater that I thought was red, which was actually not red. And so she changed me. And then, anyway, it was traumatic morning.
Japhet De Oliveira: That's amazing. Wow. That's fantastic. All right, great. Hey, would people describe you as an introvert or an extrovert and would you agree?
Chris Champlin: They describe me as an extrovert. I am absolutely, positively an introvert.
Japhet De Oliveira: Really?
Chris Champlin: Hundred percent. So, in this role you have to talk to people. So I'm a professional extrovert, but I'm a natural introvert. I mean, after this I'll go home and I'll find a dark spot and I'll rock back and forth for a couple hours to regain my composure.
Japhet De Oliveira: I've heard from lots of people that you love walking through the hospital, connecting with people. So that's a lot of energy.
Chris Champlin: I do. No, I love it. To me, patient experience is very near and dear to me. And I'll tell a story if you want about why it's so important to me.
Japhet De Oliveira: Actually tell us right now.
Chris Champlin: Tell a right now, so when my daughter was in college, she was down South and she was going to Loma Linda, actually, she's going to La Sierra and my wife, and by the way, I have permission to tell the story so it's not a HIPAA violation. So she has an unexpected GI bleed and she gets raced from La Sierra over to Loma Linda and my wife Kim and I get the phone call, jump on a plane, fly down to Ontario, race over to Loma Linda, and I'll have to describe what we come in too. So there's 11 ambulances trying to drop off patients at Loma Linda. There'd been a gangland shooting in San Bernardino. They're bringing all the victims. There's a helicopter on the pad, blades still whirling, dropping off a more serious, there's another helicopter a little bit further out.
And then we heard there's a third helicopter. So, we're walking into a zoo. I'm a hospital guy and I'm ready to fight. So I walk in there and there was this wonderful lady at the front who we walked in and said, "I'm Chris Champlin. I'm here to see my daughter, Lizzie." And the first thing she does, is she says, "Your daughter is in good hands." Just took it down a notch. But I'm still not convinced this is going to be a good thing. So she takes us right to where Lizzie was, which is amazing, because again, how crazy this place is. If you haven't been a Loma Linda Medical Center, it's a thousand beds or something crazy like that. So she takes us to where my daughter is, and she's in an ER bay made for one person with two other women.
And I'm thinking, this is just going to be horrifying. As we sat there, every single person that came into that space, I wouldn't even say room, it came into that space, interacted with her. On a personal level it was, but the story that really gets me is a housekeeper. Housekeeper comes in, and if you've been around hospitals, housekeepers do their thing. And they move on. She comes in and she says hi. She introduces herself, uses aid it. "Hi, I'm Maria. I'll be cleaning your space here." And so they to begin to talk. And then Maria says to my daughter, "Hey, what are you into." And my daughter's kind of groggy and she's like, "I like music." And she goes, "I was just at the Coachella Music Festival" and my daughter's like, "I was too." And so we have this in common. So she finishes cleaning up, and then she looks at my daughter. This is a housekeeper. And she says, "Are you thirsty? Your lips are a little bit dry." What?
Japhet De Oliveira: That's amazing.
Chris Champlin: My daughter says, "Yeah, I am." And so the housekeeper, and this is the part that just blew me away, picks up the phone and calls the doctor and says, "Hey, I got a patient here. She's thirsty. Can I give her something to drink?" And the doctor looks in the chart, I guess, and says, "Yeah, give her those little cans of Sierra Mist." Who does that? What hospital has associates that are so empowered to take customer care experience into their own hands that a housekeeper offers a patient a drink?
And so I bowed, I'm like, "Ok, that's it." Kerry was the president of Loma Linda at the time. I told him this story. He goes, "Good. We got it right." But yeah, so that's sort of been really important to me. So that's sort of led to this thing. And we were doing it with Dignity Health too. So every morning the executive team gets up, we go out and we spend time with patients and staff and physicians. And it's just like kind of what we're doing here. Like, "How's your day going? What can I do for you? Can I help you?" We'll pray with a patient if they want to. So it's very empowering.
Japhet De Oliveira: That's beautiful. I know that you're doing that here. I've heard that as well. I've heard that from your executive team, and it's fantastic. It's beautiful. That's really good. So thank you for doing that. Man, it's wonderful when someone takes care of your family. It's wonderful when you see them taking care of other families as well. It's great. Well, beautiful. All right. So personality, we addressed that. What about habits? Are you an early riser? I mean, today we're early, are you late night owl?
Chris Champlin: I'm neither actually. Since the time I was a little boy. I have a standard time. I fall asleep at 10:00 PM every single night regardless. And this has been since I was a little boy, and I wake up at 06:00 AM.
Japhet De Oliveira: That's fantastic.
Chris Champlin: Done. Just done.
Japhet De Oliveira: You put your head down, you go to sleep straight away or?
Chris Champlin: Yep. Yeah. Sleep eight hours and I'm done.
Japhet De Oliveira: When you woke up this morning, first thought that went through your mind.
Chris Champlin: Where's my water?
Japhet De Oliveira: That's good. I like it. All right. Leadership question for you. Last one, and then I'm going to hand the brains over to you. Are you a backseat driver?
Chris Champlin: No. Boy, I hope not. So, all right. I'm going to get a little philosophical here. I kind of feel like that's a sign of a bad leader. Leaders who don't really know their job very well when you're kind of in your team's business and trying to push it, I have high expectations of my team. I hire people who are motivated, self-motivated and who know their job. And my job is to bring the best out in them and to clear the runway for them so I don't get in their business and tell them what to do. To me, that's a bad leader.
Japhet De Oliveira: That's great. All right. Beautiful stuff. So the floor's open, you have between 11 and 100. Where would you like to go first?
Chris Champlin: Well, let's see. Being a rather organized person, let's start with 11.
Japhet De Oliveira: 11. All right.
Chris Champlin: And then we'll make some jump from there. I promise we won't go numerically.
Japhet De Oliveira: All right. Tell us about the most adventurous food or meal you've ever eaten.
Chris Champlin: Oh goodness. Honey, if you're listening to this, I love you.
Japhet De Oliveira: Preemptively.
Chris Champlin: Preemptively. So, when Kim and I were dating, she has a very close-knit family. And they all live, I think on one or two blocks in Loma Linda. So she grew up in Hawaii. They all migrated to Loma Linda. And so Saturday for lunch, we would all go, and their family would gather for a potluck. They're Filipino, by background, by heritage, Hawaiian by living there. And so here I am, this Italian, Irish boy from Boston going to this family potluck. And there was something that looked like beef. And so I took a helping hand of it and I started to eat it. And my wife's like, "How do you like the tongue?" I just about lost it. I just, yeah. And now I'm a vegetarian, actually, I'm a vegan now. So the whole idea was just pretty horrifying. So that was the most adventurous, tongue.
Japhet De Oliveira: Yeah, that's ok. Brilliant. All right. So after 11, where next?
Chris Champlin: Let's make a big jump. Let's go to 21.
Japhet De Oliveira: 21. All right. Share the very best compliment that you've ever received.
Chris Champlin: I tend to shy away from compliments. They're very uncomfortable for me.
Japhet De Oliveira: Introverted side.
Chris Champlin: I probably have erased any of them. Oh boy. I'll have to think about that one. I probably erased most of them. Sorry. All right. Well, I'm going to call this kind of a sideways compliment. And this maybe kind of goes back to what I love in life. So it was probably about 10 years, my wife, my two kids, and myself and some of our very best friends, every Saturday morning did breakfast for the community. We just decided to do it.
Let's just make breakfast. And so we made it. And so we did. And people were like, "You're never going to be able to do that." Because it's your own money. And who can do it every Saturday for 10 years? Well, we did. And so my kids went off to college and our best friend's kids were off at college too. And we were like, "I think we're done." Our kids came home and said, "Why did you stop? That was the most important social thing in our lives, and it was driven by you and mom. Why did you stop doing that?" And so I kind of took it as a compliment that we were actually doing something as parents, and actually giving a social consciousness to our kids.
Japhet De Oliveira: Hey, that's good. That's beautiful. All right. Would you want to go up or down?
Chris Champlin: Let's be daring and bounce around. All right, let's go to 16.
Japhet De Oliveira: 16. All right, here we go.
Chris Champlin: By the way. You notice, so there's steady increments between these.
Japhet De Oliveira: It's good. Tell us about one of the places you've traveled and why you want to go back.
Chris Champlin: Well, I've traveled extensively and it's something that we love to do. So I'm going to choose Italy. So, been to Italy a few times, but I've never been to where my grandmother was born. And she comes from a little hamlet about an hour east of Rome. And as I've been doing the ancestry.com. I started to learn a little bit about where she's from. So it's actually that little hamlet has been voted the most beautiful hamlet in Italy, for the last 1000 years.
Japhet De Oliveira: Oh my.
Chris Champlin: So I figure it's probably got some staying power, we'll probably go back and go there.
Japhet De Oliveira: That's fantastic.
Chris Champlin: So little bit of heritage, a little bit of beauty.
Japhet De Oliveira: Good combination. All right. After 16, up or down?
Chris Champlin: Now we're going to really mess it up here. We're not even going to keep the increments. Let's go to 25.
Japhet De Oliveira: 25. All right. Well share with us the most beautiful thing you've ever seen.
Chris Champlin: Oh my. Would it be too corny if I said my wife?
Japhet De Oliveira: No, it wouldn't be. It wouldn't. She would enjoy that. That's great.
Chris Champlin: Most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
Japhet De Oliveira: I like that.
Chris Champlin: I mean Kim certainly ranks up there pretty high. You know what? There's this vivid memory. I think it was 1974, I was driving across country and we were coming back on the Grand Tetons and it was snowing, but there was this cloud burst and the sun was just shining through the cloud burst and it was hitting the peak of one of the mountains. And it was one of the most spectacular landscapes I've ever seen. So, that ranks up there pretty high.
Japhet De Oliveira: Thank you for painting that picture. That was good. I like that. I was there. All right. Brilliant. All right, where next?
Chris Champlin: All right, let's jump way up. Let's go 50.
Japhet De Oliveira: 50. All right. 50. Here it is. Share with us about who has influenced you professionally.
Chris Champlin: There's been a lot of people, both positively and negatively. When I first got out of grad school, I was working in public health, and the guy who was the director, and I'll leave names out, was very resourceful. And that was a negative thing. He ended up actually doing some time.
Japhet De Oliveira: Understated.
Chris Champlin: Earlier in life, I was fortunate to grow up in a relatively small community. All of my father's friends at one point in time or another, I ended up working for. And so there's this series of adult males who took me under their wing. I remember Sulo Agela for one, he's no longer with us. He owned a machine shop and he decided to expand it. And so my dad hired me out, great father. And so my job was to carry cinder blocks. And so here I was with Sulo and I was carrying cinder blocks eight hours a day.
As a kid, I feel like I was 10. I was probably not, and then we would go to Sulo's house for lunch and we would go to the farm and we would pick the corn and we would boil the corn, we'd get the strawberries and whatever else. And I ended up working for him for a while. And then to see his work ethic, and he was an immigrant, to see the work ethic and just the brilliance behind. I think he ended up having 20 things that he had invented and had patents on. So he was one early on, again, probably throughout my almost 40-year career, I could name a bunch of them. But those come to mind.
Japhet De Oliveira: That's beautiful. I like that. It is interesting how young influences can happen. Powerful influence that can shape us.
Chris Champlin: Even though I'd never actually worked for my father, I have to include him in there too. I remember at a very young age, he said, "Chris, I'm going to teach you how to work. No, you might be sweeping a floor or you might be digging a ditch, but you're always going to be employed if you know how to work." And kind of growing up in that Protestant work ethic kind of thing. So there's always work. And watching him do it too. He was a hard worker.
Japhet De Oliveira: That's good. Hey, that's beautiful. Thank you. Good tribute to your dad as well. All right. That was 50. So up or down, sir?
Chris Champlin: Let's go 55.
Japhet De Oliveira: 55. Share about something if you would, that frightens you.
Chris Champlin: Frightens me. I might have a neuro problem here, but I'm not afraid of much. Always been. I approach things in compartments. So if it's a big thing, that's a big task, I just break it down. Just the old how to eat an elephant scenario. Just one bite at a time. Or how do you eat tongue? One bite at a time. So no, I don't think of anything that really scares me.
Japhet De Oliveira: Is that something you've had your entire life, or is something you've grown?
Chris Champlin: No. Fear has never really been part of who I am.
Japhet De Oliveira: That's good. Like that. All right. Brilliant. That was 55. Where next? Up or down?
Chris Champlin: Let's go 58.
Japhet De Oliveira: 58. All right. What is something small that you're really passionate about?
Chris Champlin: Kindness. Passionate about kindness. Mean people are... And it's such an easy thing. It's free. Being kind is freeing. It doesn't take anything from you. And when I see people being mean and unkind, I'm like, "Why? What is in you that causes you to have to dump on somebody else?" It's gets me going. So I'm all about kindness.
Japhet De Oliveira: Kindness is very powerful, but it requires you to be present.
Chris Champlin: It's one of those things where even if you don't know somebody and you approach them as if they were your best friend, it's amazing how easy and native, it just starts to flow. Kindness.
Japhet De Oliveira: Changes culture. That's good. I like that. All right, where next? Up or down?
Chris Champlin: Let's go up.
Japhet De Oliveira: All right.
Chris Champlin: Where are we? What was the last one?
Japhet De Oliveira: That was...
Chris Champlin: 55 or?
Japhet De Oliveira: Yeah. No, it's not 55. Where did we go?
Chris Champlin: Let's go 65.
Japhet De Oliveira: 65. All right. Share one word that you could use to describe your past, then you could unpack that one word for us.
Chris Champlin: Loved. I grew up in a relatively large family. I've got, there's five of us, two parents, so there was always seven of us. Well actually my mother, bless her soul, is one of these people who rescues everything and everyone. So there was usually two or three random people living in our house with us at any given time.
Japhet De Oliveira: Oh really?
Chris Champlin: So there's seven of us, plus whoever was there. And we only had an 1800 square foot home, one bathroom. So you can imagine the trail in the morning and in the evening, but very close knit. We were always together. We fought together, we loved, it was just great. And so growing up in that environment where we were just a tight family. Always had Sunday meals together, Saturday meals together, to the Italian side of the family. You go to mass in the morning and then you come in, you eat and drink and you fight for a couple hours. But it's love. It's love. And then same thing on the other side of the family. Very much loved my whole life.
Japhet De Oliveira: That's beautiful. And you take that kind of same philosophy into your work as well?
Chris Champlin: I do. Go back to what we were talking about being kind and just love on people. Well, again, and what an easy thing to do.
Japhet De Oliveira: It's an easy thing. That's true. It does change the way that we receive it and the way that we share it. I think it actually builds up on that. It's great. Beautiful. All right, where next, sir?
Chris Champlin: All right. We're getting more vulnerable. Let's go 70.
Japhet De Oliveira: 70. All right. Tell us about one thing that you are determined to accomplish.
Chris Champlin: Well, I've got a couple of things. So when I was asked to come to Rideout, this is no secret, so sorry. You're repented by this, Rideout was not in good shape. And it had been kind of up and down for a few years. And so in my bullheaded, I'm going to accomplish everything I set my mind to. We are going to turn this hospital around a hundred percent. And I will pause here and give incredible recognition to the leadership team that we've developed here at Rideout. I mean, the new team is just rocking and rolling.
Japhet De Oliveira: It is amazing.
Chris Champlin: Things are moving in the direction that we have to. Now, it's great that we have a new leadership team, but it really gets down to the associates because they're the people who are delivering the care. And it's just an amazing team that's all rowing my Boston rowers. We're rowing in the same direction. And the other thing, I want to go back to the love concept too. One of the first things, the vibe that you get when you come into Rideout is that the associates love this facility, they love the community, they're passionate about it. And I think with all those elements, we're going to get this hospital turned around, we're going there. We're already in the right direction.
Japhet De Oliveira: I know. Many good things.
Chris Champlin: So that's one. And then I think just on a personal level, I'm committed to leaving the world a little bit better than what I came into it. That's just my personal passion.
Japhet De Oliveira: I like that. We should all have that. We should. And I do see so many amazing things that actually are coming through. And so well done to you, to all the associates. It is fantastic. It's on the upward trend. It's great. All right.
Chris Champlin: That was a compliment?
Japhet De Oliveira: Yeah, there's a compliment. You can keep that one. All right. Where next?
Chris Champlin: All right, let's be real. Let's go 80.
Japhet De Oliveira: 80. All right. How would you like to change in the future?
Chris Champlin: I would like to grow hair. No, I'm kidding. Well, I'm sort of on this journey to be more self-aware, continue to be more mindful of those people around me. When I pick on my own flaws, I can get very tunnel visioned. We're going to turn right out around, and we're just going to go. And when I'm in that doing mode, we're going to get something done, the blinders go on, and people can be falling by the wayside. And I'm still charging ahead, and I don't want to be in that. I want to be ever conscientious of what's going on around me. So figuring out that way to do both. To be driving, to get it done, to be purposeful but also mindful of what's happening around me.
Japhet De Oliveira: To lead all the vision and to be present at the same time.
Chris Champlin: Wonderful. I'm going to copy that. Lead and be more present.
Japhet De Oliveira: Yeah no. I'm with you. I understand. Beautiful. All right. We have time for two more.
Chris Champlin: Two more. All right, let's back it down a little bit. And then we're going to jump forward. Let's do 68.
Japhet De Oliveira: If you could learn one new professional skill, what would it be?
Chris Champlin: Professional skill. Does it have to be in my profession?
Japhet De Oliveira: No, it can be in any field.
Chris Champlin: I'd be a professional scuba diver, but I already scuba dive, so that doesn't work. I'd be a pilot. I would love to be a pilot. Kim, let me be a pilot.
Japhet De Oliveira: Yeah, no, I like that.
Chris Champlin: I'd love to fly and I feel like it's sort of that freedom thing and yeah, maybe I'm silly, but yeah. I'd love to be a pilot.
Japhet De Oliveira: A lot of imagination. Yes.
Chris Champlin: Just being up there in the cloud. And probably as an introvert too, it'd be time just with me and the birds and skies. And the clouds.
Japhet De Oliveira: Just the birds. I'm with you. Hey, that's great. All right.
Chris Champlin: All right. Let's go all the way to 90.
Japhet De Oliveira: 90. All right. Tell us about how you overcame something that was seemingly insurmountable.
Chris Champlin: Seemingly insurmountable. I must have lived a sheltered life, because I can't think of anything that's ever insurmountable.
Japhet De Oliveira: Is that your attitude, do you think? Is it from your family that you get that idea, that you feel like, "Hey, we can break this down, we can make this work."
Chris Champlin: Probably. I mean, that's probably a good route to that. I mean it's always been just work. Just look at it. Nothing is insurmountable. Nothing. I think that-
Japhet De Oliveira: Have you people present to you things that they feel, this is a roadblock, this is impossible, there's no way forward on this? And you have the clarity to.
Chris Champlin: Yeah, I'm going to talk quick side story. So this is sort of, I think, indicative of my approach to life, when I was in college, and this is my freshman year in college, first quarter. And my older sister actually had attended registration with me. And the guy who was signing me up for classes was flirting with her. And so he signed me up for general chemistry, calculus, general biology, physics and PE. That was my first quarter.
Japhet De Oliveira: At least there's PE.
Chris Champlin: So I'm sitting there in calculus class. No, actually, I walk in a calculus class my first day and the professor has a algebraic equation across the top of the board that the entire row and then a second row. And he says, "If you don't know the answer to this equation right now, get up and leave. You'll never pass my class." Well I had no idea what it was. But I wasn't going to leave, I wasn't going to be defeated by some pompous professor. So I stayed in there and I dug it out and I'm sort of like, my approach to life, I don't know the answer, but if I work hard enough and I stay in there and I'm present and I'm respectful and I listen. We're going to accomplish it. And I think that's just sort of how I've approached my entire life.
Japhet De Oliveira: I mean, roll up your sleeves and stand there.
Chris Champlin: Your sleeves and be a problem solver. Dig down, figure out the components of it. Because if you take it in chunks, it's easy. It's one step at a time.
Japhet De Oliveira: That's good words. Good wisdom. Appreciate that. Thank you.
Chris Champlin: You're welcome.
Japhet De Oliveira: Chris, thank you for your time.
Chris Champlin: Well, thank you. This has been fun. We're going to hang out later on?
Japhet De Oliveira: We should. All right. Hey, look, for everybody who's listening, I just want to encourage you to do the same, just like Chris and I just did right now, he has water, I have coffee. Sit down with someone, connect with them, because by asking good questions and by listening, you change. You're transformed. You grow and you become a better person. And I think this is actually the beauty and strength of the stories and experiences that shape us. So Chris, thank you so much again.
Chris Champlin: Thank you.
Japhet De Oliveira: God bless you. God bless everybody else and we'll see you on another episode.
Narrator: Thank you for joining us For The Story & Experience Podcast. We invite you to read, watch, and submit your story and experience at AdventistHealth.org/Story. The Story & Experience Podcast was bought to you by Adventist Health through the Office of Culture.
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