Shelly Trumbo
Episode 45
"I believe that investment into quality early childhood experiences, protecting the youngest children, is actually the way to transform the health and well-being of our society."
Narrator: Welcome, friends, to another episode of The Story & Experience Podcast. Join your host Japhet De Oliveira, with guest today and discover the moments that shape us, our families and communities.
Japhet De Oliveira: Welcome, friends, to another brilliant episode of The Story & Experience Podcast. If you are brand new to this, what happens is there's one guest and we have 100 questions, the first 10 I ask, and then the guest gets to choose between 11 and 100 where they want to go and they become more vulnerable, more open, about stories and experiences that shape their lives.
Now this guest is smiling. She's looking around all over the place. I wish you could actually see her as well. If you haven't, you'll need to go watch sometime a presentation she does. But let's begin straightaway with your name, and does anybody ever, I don't know, mess it up or-
Shelly Trumbo: My name is Shelly Trumbo, and I would say the most common mess up is people call me Trombone or Trumble. Those are the two common name mishaps.
Japhet De Oliveira: All right. All right. Well, Shelly, we will focus on your first name, so that's fantastic. Shelly, I'm so glad you're able to join us. Why don't you tell us a little bit about what you do for work?
Shelly Trumbo: My title is Well-Being Executive and I serve in the Well-Being Division of Adventist Health. My job is that I get to implement and operationalize all of the amazing strategies, initiatives, products of the Well-Being Division inside the footprint of Adventist Health.
Japhet De Oliveira: All right. All right. Complex.
Shelly Trumbo: Yes.
Japhet De Oliveira: I like that-
Shelly Trumbo: I'm still trying to help-
Japhet De Oliveira: ... inside the footprint-
Shelly Trumbo: ... my parents understand.
Japhet De Oliveira: That's really good. That's really good. No, I totally understand. How long have you been in this current role?
Shelly Trumbo: I have been in my current role for about three years now. I think it might be going on four years. I've been at Adventist Health since 2015.
Japhet De Oliveira: All right. Brilliant. Good stuff. So everybody is dying to know, Well-Being Executive, how do you begin your day? Do you begin with coffee, tea, a green liquid smoothie, water? What's your first drink of the day?
Shelly Trumbo: Well, my first drink of the day is a soy latte that I make in my own kitchen, and this is not like a lightweight, nice to have. This is a mandatory start to my day, coffee.
Japhet De Oliveira: I like that. I like that.
Shelly Trumbo: I used to own a coffeehouse and I love coffee, so I take it very seriously, my habit.
Japhet De Oliveira: I never knew you owned a coffeehouse.
Shelly Trumbo: Yes.
Japhet De Oliveira: Shelly, you've done everything. You have the most amazing career. You've done everything.
Shelly Trumbo: A dilettante, as they say.
Japhet De Oliveira: Hey, a little announcement here. You should go to AdventistHealth.org/Story and watch Shelly's story film. It's... Yeah, you've done everything. That's brilliant. All right. OK. Tell us, Shelly, where were you born?
Shelly Trumbo: I was born in McKinleyville, which is just outside of Eureka, California, in Humboldt, actually Arcata. I think my mom corrected me last time. The hospital was actually in Arcata, and it was called Mad River Hospital, and I love the name of that.
Japhet De Oliveira: That is a great name. I presume you've been back there? Have you been back there?
Shelly Trumbo: Yes. I lived there until I was five years old and then my grandparents lived there most of my life, and other relatives, and so heading back up to Humboldt County for holidays and vacations and family visits has been a part of my life always. I love the redwoods.
Japhet De Oliveira: That's beautiful. Now when you were a child did you imagine you were going to become the Well-Being Executive, or did you have a different vision?
Shelly Trumbo: Isn't that what every kid writes down, I want to be a Well-Being Executive?
Japhet De Oliveira: In the Adventist Health footprint.
Shelly Trumbo: No. When I was a child, from as early as I can remember I was going to be a singer.
Japhet De Oliveira: Oh.
Shelly Trumbo: An entertainer. That was what I was convinced I was going to do always. I pretended I had microphones with my curling irons and whatever else I could find.
Japhet De Oliveira: Now you are also an incredible singer, and people should know this. Have you done any kind of like, you know, wide tours of singing, Shelly, perhaps that you should share?
Shelly Trumbo: I have. I have. I don't want to take the whole time for that, but yes. I was convinced that... I gave it my wholehearted effort as a professional musician and had a great season of my life where I focused on that and really felt... I think music, in my mind, is one of the things I look to to convince myself of divinity.
Shelly Trumbo: Like music is such an amazing art form, depth in mathematics, lyrics, and it touches people's hearts in ways that other things can't. I just love music. I love performing. I love helping people think and see things differently with music. So, yes, I did that fairly consistently as my profession until I was in my early 30s and had varying degrees of success along the way.
Japhet De Oliveira: Including an amazing tour for a period there as well, right?
Shelly Trumbo: I did. I did some tours with dignitaries internationally, so yes, it was a really neat experience.
Japhet De Oliveira: That's great. That's great. But I would say knowing you, Shelly, that I think you also have used music to build community, and community is your call, right, wherever you are?
Shelly Trumbo: It is. Yeah. Music for me was always a way to help people think differently about their world, and still is. So really if you keep following that, why do you do music, why do you do that, why do you do that, the five why questions, it always comes back down to me to transforming the lives of individuals and helping each person find a path to live to their full potential. That's really what anything I do is about.
Japhet De Oliveira: And, to your credit, that's actually what all of your team actually talk about when they talk about you as well, that you believe in change in their development as well. You're doing a great job. This is fantastic.
All right, personality. People want to know are you an extrovert, introvert, and would you agree with what people say about you?
Shelly Trumbo: I think everyone would wholeheartedly say that I'm an extrovert. I can hold my own in a group setting. However, it's an interesting dynamic, because if you were to actually live with me the things that fill my soul and tend to bring me resilience and fodder and, I don't know, that juicy approach to life are more introverted hobbies and pastimes, and I really do need that solitude and time alone to regenerate, I think to have the energy for the more extroverted pastimes, behaviors, interactions.
Japhet De Oliveira: I like it. Like that. That's good. This will continue to be an interesting question for everyone, habits. Now are you one of those early risers or late night owls?
Shelly Trumbo: Well, gosh, as a musician I trained myself... You know, sometimes you got those late night gigs, and so my whole life I do have a tolerance for the late nights. However, I am a very deep practitioner of the habit philosophy and I'm very religious.
Shelly Trumbo: I wake up at 5:00 a.m. every single morning, or five days a week, and after my soy latte, which is the first thing I make, I sit back down and I have a very specific practice of prayer, meditation, reading, journaling that I do every single morning, followed by a half hour of running and weights, so I'm completely religious and disciplined about that.
Japhet De Oliveira: That's fantastic. That's great. That's actually exhausting hearing.
Shelly Trumbo: I know. It exhausts my husband for sure. But, you know, I really believe... I believe in practicing what I preach. As students we began this effort in the Well-Being Division and it became clear that there's certain things that you can do in your life every day that actually shape your capacity. I became a student of that and I really want to model that for my team and for the work that I'm leading.
Japhet De Oliveira: Love that. Beautiful. Good. So this morning you woke up, had your soy latte. What was the first thought that went through your mind?
Shelly Trumbo: I got that podcast with Japhet today. I hope I don't feel like an idiot.
Japhet De Oliveira: Oh, Shelly, that's brilliant. All right. Great. I'm glad that was the first thought. That's good. All right. Here's a leadership question, and then we're going to hand it over to you to choose the numbers, 11 to 100. Are you a backseat driver?
Shelly Trumbo: No. I'm not too bad. I actually just prefer to be the driver. But in those situations where I'm not, I attempt just to turn to a state of calm and let the driver go as they will. So no, I do not believe I am backseat driver.
Japhet De Oliveira: All right. All right. Brilliant. OK. Good. Here we go. Where would you like to go, 11 to 100?
Shelly Trumbo: I tried to think about some like algebraic formula that was somehow tied to some numerology thing or something to come up with what numbers I should do-
Japhet De Oliveira: Make it complex.
Shelly Trumbo: Yes. But basically I have next to me a list of the birth dates of all the people that are most important to me.
Japhet De Oliveira: Nice. Nice.
Shelly Trumbo: Or one of them is 97, so obviously that's not someone's birthday, but it was the year my grandmother was when she died. But I don't think I want to start right there.
Japhet De Oliveira: OK. All right.
Shelly Trumbo: Let's back up and start with 16.
Japhet De Oliveira: 16? All right.
Shelly Trumbo: That's was my daughter's birthday, April 16.
Japhet De Oliveira: All right. All right. Oh, tell us about one of the places you traveled and why you want to go back.
Shelly Trumbo: Man. I want to go everywhere. That's a fun one and a tough one. OK. So I'll tell this story about that. So it's been maybe three years now, not very long, four years maybe. So I am married... I recently remarried. My husband passed away, and you can watch that story podcast for that story, and so I fairly recently remarried at an older age.
Shelly Trumbo: My husband now, his name is Monte, we've known each other for a number of years. We had known each other in years past. So we went to Europe together and he proposed inside the standing stones of Avebury. Did I say that right, Japhet?
Japhet De Oliveira: Yes. Beautiful. Wow.
Shelly Trumbo: Yes. Inside the standing stones of Avebury, which are actually older than the standing stones of Stonehenge.
Japhet De Oliveira: Wow.
Shelly Trumbo: It's just this amazing little town that's built inside of this ancient circle where humans have gathered for centuries. We spent a little time wandering around the UK and I loved it so much, and we want to go back and stay in a place with thatched roofs and maybe try to wander in a field where there was a recent crop circle just because why not?
Japhet De Oliveira: Why not?
Shelly Trumbo: Yes. Probably that is where I would like to go spend just a little more time than I have.
Japhet De Oliveira: Oh, yeah. Well, that sounds fantastic. I mean Stonehenge would have been quite a feat to get in the middle of that and they would have arrested you, but this-
Shelly Trumbo: Right. Avebury you can actually get into the center of the standing stones. Yes. And they're immense. They're enormous.
Japhet De Oliveira: That's beautiful.
Shelly Trumbo: It was just really a very memorable and special experience.
Japhet De Oliveira: That's fantastic. All right. Brilliant. After 16, where do you want to go next?
Shelly Trumbo: Let's go to 47, the year my parents were born.
Japhet De Oliveira: 47? All right. You just met someone. What would you want them to know about you and why?
Shelly Trumbo: Oh, man, that's a hard one.
Japhet De Oliveira: Yeah. It's great. I love it.
Shelly Trumbo: Do we have to answer each one?
Japhet De Oliveira: Yes.
Shelly Trumbo: I've got nothing.
Japhet De Oliveira: Oh, Shelly, come on. You know, you meet someone for the very first time, what would you want them to know? This is great. I love this. This is actually good. It's quite revealing, isn't it?
Shelly Trumbo: Yeah, because... OK, I'll answer it authentically.
Japhet De Oliveira: I know you do. All right.
Shelly Trumbo: That's a tough one, Japhet, because it scratches and rubs up against this body of study and reflection I've been doing for a couple of years on the ego.
Japhet De Oliveira: Exactly.
Shelly Trumbo: Yeah. A book that I read that I really like on that is called The Ego Is The Enemy, by Ryan Holiday. It really just holds a mirror up and shows how often everything that we're doing is all in sort of persona management, image management. It's all about the ego.
So, gosh, I'll answer this in two ways. First way, what would I want people to know about me? Well, I want people to think that I'm interesting and competent and inspiring, right? So I would probably try to come up with some little excerpt or list of things that make me seem that.
What I'd really like though is, the person that I'm attempting to constantly evolve into, I would like the person to know that I'm very interested in them and I love them, and how can I help them in whatever way is appropriate.
So those are two answers. One is probably the underbelly and one is the top, but that's my authentic response.
Japhet De Oliveira: I like that a lot, and they are. Some of these questions are intentionally complex. That's really good. Thank you for that. 47, right. Where next?
Shelly Trumbo: Let's go... Now I'm revealing my age, but let's go to the year I was born, 1969.
Japhet De Oliveira: All right. All right. All right. Brilliant. Tell us... Oh, tell us about one experience that you'd like to relive over and over and over again.
Shelly Trumbo: An experience I'd like to relive again and again and again? The first thing that comes to mind is sort of a body of experiences that all have performing at their core. As a performer, there are moments on stage that are terrible and that are the most horrid thing in the world, and you're like why did I do this?
Then there are these moments that even if they're few and far between they are why people sacrifice so much to attempt to create those moments. Those are times when the energy of the musicians on the stage is beautifully coalesced and everyone is just on some plain together, and the energy of the crowd is there with you.
There's often emotion, tears. There's a level of presence that I have been honestly unable to recreate in almost any other area of my life, where in that moment you're thinking of nothing else, literally nothing else but that. It's just this beautiful connection between the audience, the fellow musicians on the stage, divine presence flowing through whatever is happening, that is why, again, people sacrifice 20-30 years of their life to have maybe a half a dozen of those moments, more if you're very skilled or blessed.
I've probably had a dozen such moments, and yeah, they're very special, and if there was any way to recreate them intentionally again and again I would certainly do that.
Japhet De Oliveira: All right. I hear you. I hear you. It's amazing when all the senses are all together.
Shelly Trumbo: Yes.
Japhet De Oliveira: That's great. All right. That's beautiful. So where next now?
Shelly Trumbo: That was 69, that's right.
Japhet De Oliveira: Yes.
Shelly Trumbo: I feel like I'm rapidly approaching 100 and we have a whole half hour left, so maybe I should slow a bit.
Japhet De Oliveira: You're doing fine. You're doing fine. I'll let you know when we come to the time.
Shelly Trumbo: Why don't... How about I do how old my parents are?
Japhet De Oliveira: OK.
Shelly Trumbo: I'll do... Let's see, how old are they? 74.
Japhet De Oliveira: All right. Oh, this is great, 74. What gives you hope?
Shelly Trumbo: What gives me hope? I never can answer the questions just like straightforward one way, so I'll answer... First I'll answer this. I have a granddaughter, her name is Georgia. She's a little over two. Everything they tell you about grandparenting is true. It is unbelievably wonderful.
She's hilarious and bold, and, I don't know, just seeing that and being close to that from where I am today in my life compared to where I was with my own daughter when she was that age, it just gives me unbelievable hope-
Japhet De Oliveira: Oh, I can believe that.
Shelly Trumbo: ... in the future ahead. So I love that.
Then I would say, answering it another way, I feel like so much of the work that I do is all about hope.
Japhet De Oliveira: Yes. Yeah.
Shelly Trumbo: And I think human beings give me hope, because I've watched from various roles in my life people navigate unbelievable challenges with beauty and resilience. I've watched people make dramatic changes in their life. My personal spiritual beliefs, I've watched what I believe is God... An individual's ability to trust in that divine influence allows them to make that change.
Some people ask me is well-being transformation that our work is all about? It's not even possible. You're talking about thousands of people who live in a community. Do you really think you're going to impact any change? I always say, "Oh, but I've personally seen how an individual's life can change."
I personally experienced change in my own life, and if one person can transform, I'll just use the word their well-being, which there are a lot of different pieces of that, well then yes, it's possible. If God could transform one individual's well-being, well then yes, in an entire community it's possible to shift the well-being of that. So all those things give me hope. Human beings give me hope.
Japhet De Oliveira: Right. That's beautiful, and I agree. That's really good. Good. All right. Where next?
Shelly Trumbo: Let's see, that was my parents' age.
Japhet De Oliveira: 74, yeah.
Shelly Trumbo: I'll backtrack now.
Japhet De Oliveira: Yeah, that's fine.
Shelly Trumbo: I go hopscotch back. Let's do 62.
Japhet De Oliveira: 62? All right. Oh, I don't know how, but here it goes. What does a sense of community mean to you?
Shelly Trumbo: I did not pay you.
Japhet De Oliveira: I know. I know. I know. I know. So what does a sense of community mean to you? That's great.
Shelly Trumbo: Wow. A sense of community?
Japhet De Oliveira: Yeah. I wonder if you could define that?
Shelly Trumbo: Yeah. You know it's actually harder just to answer that on the spot than you would think, which is... Yeah, that's interesting. A sense of community? I picture in my mind an invisible ecosystem of lines between an individual, I'll use myself, and all of the people, places, infrastructure, environment that make up my community.
It's like an individual energy field, all the different ways that I'm connected to the world around me. When those invisible sort of lines of energy are broken, damaged, cut permanently, it's kind of like I'm cut off from my life force around me.
So the more that we can bring healing and resilience to all those invisible lines of energy that connect me to my family, my friends, the organizations in the community where I live, the environment around me, then the more restorative and resilient and higher levels of well-being I'm going to have in my life.
At its core, at its essence, I think that's what our work... I know I keep drawing it back to work, which I probably am not supposed to be doing that, but that's really what the work of our Well-Being Division is about, restoring those invisible lines of energy and connection to the world around us, where we live.
Japhet De Oliveira: I like that. I like the connection of the invisible and trying to discover that and see what those are, because I'm with you. I think we have a lot of invisible connections that actually weave us together.
Shelly Trumbo: Yes.
Japhet De Oliveira: Yeah. That's beautiful. Good. All right. Where next now?
Shelly Trumbo: Let's see. Let's go... OK, I'll just go all the way up to the highest numbers I was looking at, so 94, the year my daughter was born, we'll go there.
Japhet De Oliveira: All right. All right. 94? Oh, well-
Shelly Trumbo: Now when you gasp in reading the question I'm really scared.
Japhet De Oliveira: Well, it is the 90s, and so if you could change one thing in the world, only one thing in the world, what would that be?
Shelly Trumbo: Oh, good grief. I'm not saying that what I would change is that wildcard that everyone should use, not saying it actually is the source, but it is where my mind immediately goes, and that is I would transform the way that our society invests in, protects and nurtures young children.
I believe that investment into quality early childhood experiences, protecting the youngest children, is actually the way to transform the health and well-being of our society. Protection from adverse childhood experiences, education, deep educational experiences for every parent, especially first time vulnerable parents, transforming early childhood experiences so that every child has the highest quality of enrichment there so that in those early years, till five years old, when your brain is evolving and developing, you've got the highest chance to reach your full ingrained potential. That is where I would play my card, if you will.
Japhet De Oliveira: I like that. That's really good. That speaks volumes to where we start is where we could actually end up.
Shelly Trumbo: Yep.
Japhet De Oliveira: That's really good. That's beautiful. All right. We have time for the final two numbers, which you can pick now, or you can pick one at a time, but time for two more.
Shelly Trumbo: All right. I have only one number left on my list, which is 97, so I'll play that one and then if there's time I'll backtrack.
Japhet De Oliveira: All right. All right. 97? This is... Well, here it is. Tell us about a time when you did the right thing.
Shelly Trumbo: Theoretically it shouldn't be that hard to pick those out.
Japhet De Oliveira: I know. I know. Knowing you, I know. It shouldn't be hard to pick those things out, but to share it is odd.
Shelly Trumbo: Yeah. I'll tell a story. I told this story before. I think you've heard it, Japhet, but it's what popped into my head, so I'll just follow.
Japhet De Oliveira: I like it. That's good.
Shelly Trumbo: Follow that bubble. When my daughter was in high school, I think she was a senior, we had like a gathering at our house, a party. All the kids came, having a great time, and this guy came... This kid came who I had never met before. He just had this effervescent joy about him, and I just... Sometimes you just meet those people and you're just like instantly connected. He was adorable.
He was a Latino, young Latino man in the community, and he had the most disfigured smile I had ever seen. His teeth were... I had never seen anything like it honestly. They were kind of like shark's teeth, where there were layers of the teeth sticking straight out, sticking backwards. He was very handsome, but it was impossible... Like when he smiled you had to like oh no, don't stare at his mouth, don't stare at his mouth. Honestly, that's how it was. And you know how kids can be so honest when we were growing up in school, and I just imagined the challenge there.
The evening left and he left and I just couldn't get him out of my head. I was like why has he not gotten some orthodontics? Why? I just kept thinking about it. I mentioned it to my husband and he's like, "Don't meddle. Don't meddle. It's not your business." I just was like, "But I can't."
My own daughter had had some health issues that resulted in a lot of orthodonture that was needed, and I was just maybe on the other side of that journey, so it was like very fresh in my head, you know?
Japhet De Oliveira: Yeah.
Shelly Trumbo: So finally I said to my daughter, "Hey, why don't you just mention to him if he would like to talk about his journey there and whether maybe I could be creative,"... I didn't have any money, but I was like, "Maybe I could help him write a grant or appeal to Medi-Cal or something. Let me know." So she says, "Sure."
So about two days later he called my cellphone and was like, "I would love help. I don't know what to do." So from that moment I just learned more about this kid and became more and more inspired by him. His family were immigrants and farm workers. He was responsible for the care of his younger siblings in a really responsible way. He was just an amazing, inspiring individual. I won't share more, because it's his personal story.
But over time... I started by appealing to Medi-Cal for him on his behalf. They declined it, said it wasn't medically necessary. I was like what would it take? I don't even know. So that was frustrating.
Then I thought well, I found a company called America's Tooth Fairy, that gives, I don't know, these kinds of things to kids. You have to write like an application, so I was like OK, that I can do. I'm going to help this kid write the most amazing application ever.
So I called teachers at the high school, and I worked in education at the time so they knew me, and I said what I was trying to do. They misunderstood me and thought that I was trying to get a group of people just to pay for his orthodontics, and they actually agreed to, like that's how amazing this kid was. I was like, "Wait, wait, wait. Let me try this other angle first and then, yeah, maybe if that doesn't work we'll all go together and pay for it."
Anyway, I appealed to this company, we wrote a big application, they approved it, but the only place that would do his dental with this program was two hours away. I was working more than full time and everybody is busy, but at this point his family had no means, no car, no nothing. So at this point I kind of felt like I've gotten this far. He cried, he was so excited, and how do you say, "Yeah, you got to... I don't know how you're going to get there, but here you go."
So I took it on, and for the next three years, about three years I think, I drove him every month for his orthodontic appointment. Sometimes my mom did it for me, like, "Mom, I can't this month," and she would drive him. So we would have these long talks on the way.
He graduated from high school before his orthodonture was done, so he took himself at that point, and the day he got his braces of he sent me the most beautiful letter and photograph of just the change that I made in his life. Even actually just about a week ago... I hadn't heard from him for a little while and he sent me a text message of where he was, what he's doing, and just the difference that I made.
It's funny, because there's all kinds of little quotes and quips that our society has around it's better to give than to receive and all of this, and that was a pain in the rear. I did not have the time, and I was... I did not have a lot of money myself, especially at that time. It was a very difficult financial season in my own life, so it was a sacrifice even to drive him the hours and take my vacation or take days without pay from work.
It was a real sacrifice, and to this day it has brought me more joy and fulfillment and enrichment than any gift I've ever received. I just love the kid and I hope that we're always friends. I hope I'm a little old lady and still seeing pictures from him and updates on how he's doing.
Japhet De Oliveira: That is beautiful. That is precious. That is absolutely precious. Beautiful. All right. Well, final one.
Shelly Trumbo: I do still get one more? Probably I took too long on that one.
Japhet De Oliveira: No. It was beautiful. That's good. We're good.
Shelly Trumbo: All right. Let's go with number 19. Did I already do 19?
Japhet De Oliveira: Number 19? No.
Shelly Trumbo: OK.
Japhet De Oliveira: Number 19? Oh, you kind of... Yeah, here we go. What's your exercise routine? Look at that. There we go. Beautiful.
Shelly Trumbo: That's a super easy one.
Japhet De Oliveira: Yeah.
Shelly Trumbo: Yep. So I have a treadmill and I do interval running every single day for 30 minutes. Then I do every single day 25 minutes of a weightlifting program that I use my iPad for. On the weekends I do a long walk or hike, and I usually squeeze in a yoga routine about four days a week.
Japhet De Oliveira: That's fantastic.
Shelly Trumbo: There you go.
Japhet De Oliveira: Comprehensive and fantastic, and as always brilliant at what you do, so thank you.
Shelly Trumbo: That was an easy one to end the whole thing on.
Japhet De Oliveira: That was great. Well, here's the thing, you know. All these questions... And to our listeners as well, all these questions are really just questions to allow us an opportunity to share all the stories or experiences that actually make you into who you are today, the phenomenal leader that you are today. So, Shelly, thank you for sharing with honesty and giving us insights into what hope could be. What we actually need to do is really focus on the kids. I love that. From early... That's really good.
Shelly Trumbo: Thank you, Japhet. An hour of conversation with you is certainly a wonderful way to start the week.
Japhet De Oliveira: That's good. You're too kind. So I want to encourage everybody who's listening as well... Hey, do the same thing. Just get together with a friend, listen to their stories, share your own stories and experiences as well. You will make the world a better place.
God bless everybody, and again, Shelly, thank you for participating.
Shelly Trumbo: Thanks, Japhet.
Narrator: Thank you for joining us for The Story & Experience Podcast. We invite you to read, watch and submit your story and experience at AdventistHealth.org/Story. The Story & Experience Podcast was brought to you by Adventist Health through the Office of Culture.
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